← → ↑ ↓ = Directions
Z = A X = B
A = X S = Y
D = L C = R
enter ↵ = Start
space = Select
F8 = Load state
F5 = Save state
Only while game is active!
Utopia: The Creation of a Nation is a Strategy game, developed by Gremlin Interactive and published by Jaleco Entertainment, which was released in 1993.
Ever read Thomas Moore?
He described Utopia as a place where (among other things a man and a woman would see each other naked before the wedding and decide if they like what they see – at the time that the parents were still arranging the whole thing)! Well this Utopia is nothing like that, but you get a chance to build your own world.
Compared to some other games from that time it's awesome. This is the one, that I believe got games like Caesar 2 & 3, Pharaoh, and many other games going.
It's about building basically – so a comparison with Sim City is a natural one, but in Utopia you're advancing from stage to stage, collecting medals as well – and only after you've achieved a certain standard of living you'll be ready to proceed to the next stage!