We are sorry but the game is no longer available.

The game and all related medias has been removed further to copyright infringement removal request made by Square Enix group.


Seiken Densetsu 3 is a Role-Playing game, developed and published by SquareSoft, which was released in Japan in 1995.


The story takes place in a fictional world where Mana represents an ethereal, but finite, energy source. Some time in the past, the Mana Goddess created the game's world by forging the powerful Sword of Mana and defeating eight “God-Beasts” with it, sealing them within eight Mana Stones, before turning herself into the Mana Tree and falling asleep. The game is set at a time when Mana starts to fade and peace has ended, as several people plot to unleash the God-Beasts from the stones so as to gain ultimate power.

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