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= Directions

Z = A X = B

A = X S = Y

D = L C = R

 enter ↵  = Start

  space   = Select

F8 = Load state

F5 = Save state

Only while game is active!


GunForce is an Action game, developed by Bits Studios and published by Irem, which was released in Japan in 1992.

The game is simple enough to pick up and play. Your character moves quickily, shoots in eight directions, and is generally controlled exactly how you want him to be. The controls are simple, needing only to move, jump and shoot. Oddly enough though, you have two shoot buttons, and four jump buttons. There are no differences between them. You can play for a while shooting enemies with the B button, then switch it up and shoot them with the A button for awhile. You can spend some time in the game jumping enemies by pressing Y and then switch to R just for kicks.

Despite all its flaws, though, I can't help but like this game. It's somehow charming, campy, and endearing thanks to its various blatant flaws in game design.

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