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= Directions

Z = 1 X = 2

 enter ↵  = Start

R = Reset


You are Rambo, the super hero of the movies. And you come to life on your own screen. You must go deep into enemy territory to rescue your comrades from concentration camps. Blow those camps. And escape with your skin. It's no picnic. You're menaced by infantry. Artillery. Flame throwers and rocket launchers. Everything the enemy can throw at you. So you must use every tactic at your command. Your weapons? Your M-60. A supply of arrow-bombs. Your savage strength. And steel nerves. Play the game by yourself. Or with your partner. Alone or together, you'll find yourself in the middle of enough color and action for a battalion to take on. And remember. You take no prisoners.

Angry Video Game Nerd Review!

Our beloved Angry Video Game Nerd has played Rambo: First Blood Part 2 and here is his video if you need a shot of bravery to play Rambo: First Blood Part 2. If you like to play the worst games ever, we have many more crap.

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