We are sorry but the game is no longer available.

The game and all related medias has been removed further to copyright infringement removal request made by Entertainment Software Association (ESA). ESA member companies include, but are not limited to: 505 Games, Activision, Blizzard, Capcom USA, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, Gearbox Software, Konami, Microsoft, Bandai Namco Games America, Nintendo of America, SEGA of America, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Square Enix, Take-Two Interactive Software, and Ubisoft Entertainment.


Welcome to the Legend of Zelda. Where the only sound you'll hear is your own heart pounding as you race through forests, lakes, mountains and dungeonous mazes in an attempt to restore peace to the land of Hyrule. Along the way you'll be challenged by Tektites, Wizzrobes and an endless array of ruthless creatures who'll stop at nothing to prevent you from finding the lost fragments of the Triforce of Wisdom. But don't despair. With a little luck and a lot of courage, you'll conquer your adversaries, unite the Triforce fragments and unravel the mystery of the Legend of Zelda.

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