← → ↑ ↓ = Directions
Z = A X = B
enter ↵ = Start
space = Select
F8 = Load state
F5 = Save state
Only while game is active!
This special MONOPOLY game brings to life all the wheeling, dealing, money-making fun of the world's most popular board game - and adds the fast action, hands-on excitement of the NES! There's visual entertainment with the animated Rich Uncle Pennybags and Community Chest and Chance Cards, and the speedy sports car and other tokens that zoom around the board. Now listen for voice enhancemants such as the “jailer” who kicks Rich Uncle Pennybags out of Jail, and the digitized sound of the train whistles on the Railroad spaces. Like a real estate big shot, you let computer “accounting” keep track of your cash, assets, properties, houses and hotels. You can play with real, live real estate moguls, or take on the computer opponents, who might be beginners - or savvy big-time traders! The MONOPOLY game everyone grows up with, plus the NES… all in all, it's a real sweet deal!